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These 5 LabVIEW VIs are designed to assist with the automation of Holzworth instruments making it easier to implement measurements and acquire data.
There are 5 VIs in this software package (.zip archive):
- Serves as a useful tool for discovering Holzworth devices on your network. It broadcasts a UDP message, listens for responses from Holzworth devices, and provides you with the IP address of the first device found. User can modify the VI to accommodate multiple devices.
- Initializes a VISA connection to a Holzworth device using a properly formatted VISA resource.
- Used to send commands and queries to a previously opened connection.
- Reads message data from the response buffer of the initialized Holzworth device.
- This VI provides an example that combines the Open_Connection, Write, Read, and Close VIs in a user-friendly interactive communications tool for use with a Holzworth device. It was specifically designed to help users implement and test the commands and sequences needed to be able to create customized LabVIEW applications.